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Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) – Employees

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The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) Amendments of 1989 and the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 require institutions of higher education to adopt and implement a program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees on university property or as a part of university activities. The  DFSCA also requires institutions to establish policies that address the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs. The information provided below, which is part of TCU’s program adopted to comply with these Acts, serves as the annual notice to all employees. 

Standards of Conduct
The University prohibits the unauthorized purchase, manufacture, distribution, possession, sale, storage, or use of an illegal drug or controlled substance while in or on premises or on property owned or controlled by the University, at University sponsored activities, or while in vehicles used for University business. Besides their legal implications, these drugs are a health hazard and are incompatible with the philosophy and objectives of the University. For complete information, please refer to and .   

Except for certain specified areas in University residence halls approved by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs (see the University Calendar/ for the student alcohol policy), and for specific events authorized by the Chancellor or Provost in University buildings, the consumption, sale or use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on the campus. The purchase or sale of alcoholic beverages by individuals is prohibited everywhere on the campus. Alcohol may only be sold by a vendor authorized by the University. Furthermore, no person may provide alcoholic beverages to any person younger than 21 years of age. The University also prohibits the use or possession of alcoholic beverages in all instructional settings including those remote to the campus.

Health Risks of Using Alcohol and Other Drugs
Alcohol’s effects vary from person to person, depending on a variety of factors, including how much you drink, how often you drink, your family history, your age and your health status. Abuse of alcohol has been shown to cause serious health problems including:  

Frequent or heavy use of alcoholic beverages can result in negative brain development; cirrhosis of the liver; cancer of the liver; cancer of the mouth, throat, and pancreas; stomach ulcers; heart damage; lowered sex hormone production; and lowered immunity to infections and disease.

  • Alcohol use by pregnant women can also cause birth defects, lowered birth weight and/or severe psychological disorders.
  • Alcohol use is involved in most campus behavioral concerns: assaults, accidents, and other issues that impede student health/safety and academic success.
  • Use of alcohol is involved in half of all traffic-related deaths and permanent disabilities.
  • Alcoholism can lead to family dysfunction and violence.  Alcoholics are six or more times as likely to commit suicide as non-alcoholics.

A drug is a chemical substance that can change how your mind and body work, and drug use can hurt not only the people who take the drugs, but also the people around them.  Abuse of drugs has been shown to cause serious health issues including: 

The use of illegal drugs, including but not limited to marijuana, cocaine, heroin, crack, amphetamines, psychedelics and so-called “designer drugs” has been shown to result in physical and mental disorders.

  • Lung damage (including lung cancer), lowered immunity to disease, memory loss, depression, flashbacks, lowered production of sex hormones, birth defects, low birth weight infants and severe psychological disorders may result from the use of drugs.
  • These drugs are highly addictive, both physically and psychologically. The body builds a tolerance to such drugs so that larger and more frequent doses are required to satisfy the need for the drug.

For additional information on health risks associated with alcohol or drug abuse:

Substance Use & Recovery Services
An employee who voluntarily seeks assistance to correct a drug or alcohol abuse problem will not be subject to disciplinary action as a consequence of such abuse. Even though voluntary assistance has been sought, the employee becomes subject to disciplinary action if the abuse continues. The Substance Use & Recovery Services office, located in Jarvis Hall, Suite 232, has a library of printed resources regarding drug and alcohol abuse. They can also provide a list of off-campus treatment facilities.

Employee Assistance Program
Individual and family problems can impact your life both at home and at work. When you face these challenges in life, it is nice to know there’s a place to turn. To assist employees and their family in getting the help needed, TCU offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through CompPsych GuidanceResources. The EAP is a confidential support service especially designed to assist employees in managing daily responsibilities, life events and challenges, issues impacting work performance, and quality of life. TCU understands that family members of employees also may benefit from speaking with an EAP professional. That’s why the program is available to both employees and their immediate dependent family members. To learn more about , visit the website or contact Human Resources at askhr@tcu.edu.

Disciplinary Sanctions
For employees found to be in violation of the university's policy on drug and alcohol abuse, disciplinary sanctions may range from a reprimand to suspension without pay for an appropriate period or termination of employment. Violators who are not terminated may be required to complete an approved drug or alcohol abuse assistance or rehabilitation program. Failure to complete the program may result in immediate termination of employment.

Legal Sanctions for Illegal Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs
An employee who violates any of these alcohol or drug laws will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency and will be subject to prosecution in accordance with the law. Legal sanctions for violation of local, state, and federal laws may include, but not be limited to: fines, probation, jail, or prison sentences.  Detailed descriptions of the legal sanctions are outlined in .

Biennial Review Report
Additional information is available in the